A couple of posts back I wrote about a moment of connection, joy and delight between father and daughter that can expand to last a life time (A Magic Summer Evening Long Ago).
Then by twitter I received this wonderful photograph which captures so perfectly what I stumbled to express in words. The very moment of shared recognition.
What a lovely picture. I am without words.
The photograph is by Natasha Badhwar, a writer, teacher and film-maker who tweets with astonishing clarity and beauty. If you are not already following her you should seriously consider it. Your life would be enriched. @natashabadhwar.
She has kindly allowed me to share this picture with you.
I am lucky enough to have a picture of such a moment between my own daughter and I, when she was very young. You can find it here.
Your words are very kind, Sarah. Thats baby Nam when she was 10 months old last summer and followed her father all over the house with the words, Mamma, Mamma!
ReplyDeleteThose curtains in the background are cut from a green saree with a gold border that retired early and reinvented itself. Somehow the breeze in the curtains seems to be participating in this moment.
love, love